EL EXOSOME SET (Formula 1: 2 ml + Formula 2: 5 ml)


Formula 1: Progenitor Cell Immune Exosome + Hyaluronic Acid

Lyophilized 20mg (2ml)

Formula 2: PDRN + Niacinamide (4ml)

BENEFITS: Antioxidant / Cell Proliferation / Cell Migration / Anti-inflammatory

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Formula 1: Progenitor Cell Immune Exosome + Hyaluronic Acid

Lyophilized 20mg (2ml)

Formula 2: PDRN + Niacinamide (4ml)

BENEFITS: Antioxidant / Cell Proliferation / Cell Migration / Anti-inflammatory

Formula 1: Progenitor Cell Immune Exosome + Hyaluronic Acid

Lyophilized 20mg (2ml)

Formula 2: PDRN + Niacinamide (4ml)

BENEFITS: Antioxidant / Cell Proliferation / Cell Migration / Anti-inflammatory

EL EXOSOME Disclaimer

Applicable for United States customers only.
EL Exosome products, powered by ImmunoExo, are designed for post-care topical use as cosmetic solutions. The isolated and purified exosomes in our products are recognized by the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) and the International Cosmetic Ingredient Nomenclature Committee (INC). The terms ‘TEXSOME’ and ‘Human Cord Blood Progenitor Cell Conditioned Media Extract’ have been officially listed and published in the International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook. Please note that these products are not classified as drugs. They are not designed to prevent, treat, or cure any diseases or medical conditions. Furthermore, they are not intended for injection or intravenous delivery.

Most Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Q. Can you tell me more about the Immune Exosomes?

EL Immune Exosome: Human cord blood progenitor cell conditioned media extract.

Our EL Immune Exosome (Type I) undergoes multiple specialized refinement processes to create truly pure Exosomes, and in addition, our Skin Booster (Type II) with the key ingredient PDRN is carefully blended to maximize its effectiveness.

Q: How should the EL Immune Exosome be stored, and what are the shipping conditions?

The EL Immune Exosome, thanks to the process of lyophilization (freeze-drying), has an extended shelf life and does not require storage in a freezer. The freeze-dried exosome can be conveniently stored at room temperature.

Key Advantages of Lyophilized (Freeze-Dried) EL Immune Exosome:

Easy Reconstitution: Quickly and effortlessly returns to its original state for use.

Convenient Shipping and Storage: Can be shipped and stored effectively at a temperature of 4°C (39.2°F).

Long-Term Stability: Offers a shelf life of up to 36 months, maintaining the integrity of the bilipid layer and proteins within the exosomes.

Enhanced Efficacy: Demonstrates increased effectiveness when compared with liquid formulations of competitors, making it a superior choice.

These benefits make the lyophilized EL Immune Exosome not only easy to handle and store but also ensure its high-quality and efficacy over an extended period.

Q: How should Immune Exosome (Type I) be mixed with the PDRN skin booster (Type II) for use?

To prepare the mixture, combine the freeze-dried Exosomes (Type I) with the Diluent, which is the PDRN skin booster (Type II). After mixing, it is essential to store the product in a refrigerator at a temperature of 4°C. For optimal effectiveness, we recommend using the mixture within one week of preparation. This time frame ensures that you benefit from the highest concentration of exosomes and peak levels of exosomal protein.

Q: How should Exosomes be used, particularly in the U.S. market where they are intended for topical application only?

In the United States, the use of Exosomes is restricted to topical applications. These advanced formulations are typically employed in two distinct methods:

  1. Infusion via Micro-Needling: In this technique, Exosomes are infused into the epidermal layer of the skin, including areas like the face, hands, neck, and scalp. This is done using micro-needling methods, which allow for deeper penetration and more effective delivery.

  2. Topical Application: Post-procedures such as laser resurfacing, micro-needling, or micro-needling with RF (Radio Frequency) treatment, Exosomes are applied topically to the treated areas. For scalp health and promoting hair growth, Exosomes can be applied through micro-needling or directly onto the scalp.

These application methods enhance the efficacy of Exosomes by facilitating deeper penetration into the skin. Whether delivered through micro-needling or applied topically after laser treatments, Exosomes are used to maximize their regenerative and rejuvenating effects, offering significant benefits in skin and scalp care.

Q: How do exosomes contribute to hair growth, and what is the recommended method for their application?

EL Immune Exosomes play a critical role in promoting hair growth, largely due to their anti-inflammatory effects. These exosomes contain molecules that are effective in reducing scalp inflammation, which is a known factor contributing to hair loss. They are frequently used alongside PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) or PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) treatments for the scalp.

For scalp applications, rather than using Exosome II skin booster as a diluent, we recommend mixing 4cc of normal saline with Exosome type I. This combination produces a solution that can be directly infused into the scalp. An alternative approach is the topical application of this solution. Both techniques leverage the anti-inflammatory and regenerative capabilities of the exosomes, aiming to stimulate hair growth and improve overall scalp health.

Q: How can I trust the quality of EL Immune Exosome, given the importance of source reliability, extraction quality, and safety verification?

Source Reliability: EL Immune Exosomes are sourced from neonatal umbilical cord blood, a highly regarded alternative to bone marrow stem cells. We utilize advanced mass-production techniques to ensure the high purity of these immune Exosomes.

Extraction Quality: The claim of '10 billion Exosomes per bottle' needs to be understood in context. True Exosomes are proteins sized between 30 to 150 nanometers, part of the extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by cells. Our EL Immune Exosomes are within the 90 to 100 nanometer range. We employ cutting-edge technology to isolate and refine 0.1% pure Exosomes from stem cells. This high degree of purification significantly reduces the risk of side effects like inflammation and allergies, which are often associated with the unrefined growth factors used by other companies. This underscores the importance of high-quality, purified Exosomes over sheer quantity.

Safety Verification: Our EL Immune Exosome has successfully passed 12 rigorous toxicity tests, conducted by accredited testing agencies and in accordance with the strict standards of the KFDA. This extensive testing process validates the safety and reliability of our Exosome product.

Q. How is the EL Immune Exosome prepared for use as a liquid?

Here are the instructions for preparing the EL Exosome (Exosome type I: 2ml) with the PDRN serum (Exosome type II: 5ml):

  1. To open the cap, follow the arrows indicating the direction. Carefully remove the plastic top and then peel off the metal casing. If the casing is difficult to remove, use a tool like scissors for assistance. Avoid using your fingers to prevent any cuts, as the metal can be sharp.

  2. Open the lids of both the Exosome I and Exosome II vials.

  3. Pour the Exosome II serum into the Exosome I vial.

  4. Secure the cap on the mixed vial and gently stir approximately 20 times until the powder is completely dissolved. Avoid shaking it aggressively.

  5. Allow the mixture to sit for about 5 minutes before using.

  6. To use the serum, you can draw the desired amount with a syringe that has a needle attached, or if you have a dropper, attach it to the mixed solution and apply topically as needed.

*For scalp applications, instead of using Exosome II skin booster as a diluent, mix 4cc of normal saline with Exosome type I for use on the scalp. You can use the Exosome II skin booster separately for areas like the face and neck.

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